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The Holy Family Painting

The Holy Family Painting

$17.99 Regular Price
$14.39Sale Price

I just love this picture... I think it is absolutely one of my favorites I have done! I think the message I was able to bind in is a great reminder of a couple things.
1. The ombre affect in the background resembles Heaven & Hell. The darkness slowly turns into light, just like you can change your attitude to either be part of the light side (Heaven) or the dark side (Hell). No, I am not trying to mean the sides in Star Wars, I am explaining the true battle.
2. The birds stand for the Holy Spirit. Also, the white birds stand for light & the black birds stand for darkness as well.
3. The wheat stands for us. We soon fade away, just like wheat does. But, while we are here, we can do good or evil. The gluten in wheat can either make us feel good or feel bad. Just like you can make a person feel happy or sad. You get it? I hope I explained it all right :)

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